why lisanv

„Why would someone want to read what she is writing?“

I’m afraid of what people say about me. It is something I struggle with quite often. It influences the way I behave when I get to know new people. In a new exciting situation I  adopt the „wait and see“ approach. In dutch you say „de Kat uit de boom kijken“. 

When my gap year started it was a dream to create a website and tell stories, about what I like to do and decorate these writings with pictures. I thought when I don’t have to study for a year I have plenty of time to do all of these things. It took me 8 months though, before I really took up the plan I had made. In these 8 months I cared a lot about what others thought of me, I still do, but this time I want to go for it and give it a try. 

I do blog yes! I’m doing it because I think it is fun! I don’t want to impress nor do I think someone is impressed by it. 

„Angsten overwinnen is simpelweg beginnen“ (a dutch quote I saw today on the Instagram of liefleven)

i <3 Barcelona
Throwback to last summer

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