twenty facts about me

In this post I will present you some random facts about me. In addition to the «hard-facts», I’ve also written down some personal facts about me.

Enjoy! 😀

#1 Dutch is my nationality and native language

#2 I love love love dogs.

#3 I have two younger brothers

#4 Four is my lucky number

#5 Switzerland is the place I call home (I’ve lived here my entire life so far)

#6 Since January the 7th 2009 I am a synchronized swimmer (or as they call it today artistic swimmer)

#7 I look up to Rens Kroes

#8 I love to write in my agenda (I have about 3 every year)

#9 In addition to my agendas I write daily to do lists.

#10 Going on a walk with my dog really calms me down

#11 Currently I’m learning to become a better cook

#12 In September 2018 I’ll start studying at the university of Zurich (very excited about that to be honest)

#13 I’m a dance teacher at two schools 

#14 I’m also a swimming teacher

#15 Spring is my favorite season

#16 When I want to procrastinate I watch youtube or scroll endlessly through my Instagram

#17 My favorite movie is «shall we dance» (starring Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez)

#18 I need a lot of sleep; when I don’t have my 8 hours of sleep I’m useless

#19 Amsterdam is my favorite city

#20 I write in English because I love the language and so my family in the Netherlands and my friends in Switzerland can both read my blog 

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