the best weekend

Fun, fun and more fun. These are the words that come to my mind when I think about last weekend. In our home village we have a tradition where the young adults organise a party for the whole village. The group has become 18 the year before.

This year it was our turn.

All who were born in 1999 came together to put an unforgettable weekend together. Furthermore the boys of the year plant a fir into the girls’ garden. To be clear this isn’t at all a little twig as you may see in the following pictures. The fir will be planted in the night of may the 1st. 

my fir; mis maitannli

The following weekend we invited everybody in town to come and eat steak and chips with us (or some Bratwurst together with some potato salad). As the weather was perfect we could welcome a lot of people and had a lot of fun at the afterparty. Our highlight; we could present the live-act Pato on Saturday night. Pato is a rapper from Solothurn who is very talented and can even make an appearance on this year’s Gurten festival. Furthermore we had the privilege to welcome the DJ Igor Ranfaldi who made us dance until dawn and never disappointed us with his music choice.

there was no end

This weekend was one for the books!


no sleep for this happy one

2 responses

  1. Diana Avatar

    you go girl! 🔆🍀🍾

    1. Lisan Avatar

      Love you!! <3

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