swimming – where I’ve been

After my first training in January 2009 I went synchronized swimming twice a week. In March 2009 I could already take part in my first competition and I couldn’t have been happier.

(when you haven’t read the first part of my swimming story click here)

In the following years I trained up to 10 + hours a week, participated in the swiss championships and even got second of Switzerland with our team routine. I swam every year in the category team and later on also the free combination, solo and duo. In December there is every year a show to present our family and friends the routines we’ve studied. That weekend is the highlight of my year.

There are a lot of aspects of the artistic swimming world I absolutely adore. You can express your emotions and feelings very well through choreographies. This goes together with the acting which is often needed to convey the feelings sufficiently. The teamwork that is needed in every training really taught me to put others before me sometimes. Furthermore my willingness to reach my goals got really trained.

After an injury (shin splint) I couldn’t really recover enough to keep track on the level my team mates had reached. So I felt a little like falling behind and retired from active and competitive artistic swimming.

Here are some pictures from me and other girls in the same bathing suit 😉

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