Nieuw-Haamstede Part 1

After 10 hours in the car we arrived Friday night in our apartment in the Netherlands. On our first day we explored a little our surroundings and went for a swim in the pool and a long walk along the beach. Then on Sunday I awoke with a cystitis. That day it was the worst and it hurt so much…

tired after the long ride

I didn’t let that take away the fun though, after two days of not doing much I tried to take part in everything we are doing with the family.

We went to Zierikzee a town here nearby, where we did some shopping in the Hema of course :P. We lunched deliciously and ate some Ice Cream.

On Friday we went on a bicycle tour to the “Oosterscheldekering”.  That was really fun and I felt really Dutch on that bike 😀 .

We are staying for two weeks. Two weeks full of relaxation, movement and feeling at home …

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