Days of June

At the moment my last two weeks as a fulltime dance and swimming teacher are approaching. So I took some time to reflect on the past times. I’ve learned a lot in the past three months and the kids I got to know mean a lot to me. In this time of my gap-year I could be active, teach and also go around to see a little more of the world.

In this last week of June I’m working with around twenty girls to choreograph and learn two dances, which they will perform at the end of this week. I’m excited and a little nervous because I never had so many “dancers” to work with and an event where they show all the things they have learned from me. I’ll keep you updated ;). 

The pictures are from this weekend’s barbecue at Valeria’s place. Oh, how much we’ve laughed. I even cried from laughing and had so much fun that night. After the barbecue we then went into town to go to the “Märetfest”. Let’s do something like that soon again, please!

selfmade drinks – they weren’t even that bad 😉

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