chiesa chiusa

On July 6th early in the morning we left with the car to Italy. After 4 hours of listening to my awesome playlist 😉 (Not really sure what he thought of the playlist though) we arrived in Navigli, Milan. Navigli is a beautiful district in Milan where we rented an AirBnB.

After a late lunch we went for a little shopping. Which obviously is one of the upper points on your to do list when you’re in Milan.  On our way through the streets of the Piazza Vetra we saw a beautiful church, which unfortunately was closed. My boyfriend is Italian so I spontaneously said, “it’s a closed church” in Italian and in the following two days he repeated the sentence over and over again :’D (that’s why I called this blogpost like that).

I’m not really a believer so it isn’t usual for me to visit a church. But when I do, a feeling of rest and peace overcomes me when I am inside.


Parco Basiliche – where we had our lunch
lunch with this handsome one
Piazza Vetra

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  1. dennis Avatar


  2. dennis Avatar


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